So, I think I might have been suffering brain death the nearly two weeks I was M.I.A. Well, no, in reality I was suffering academic death in which I was (and continue to be) commuting back and fourth between my two separate schools for classes, rehearsals, the two weekends of the show... the list of places and excuses goes on and on. Oh, and after being involved in my first minor car accident (shock alert: it was not, in fact, my fault) I haven't had a car to drive for a week and a half. Which, of course, made the whole commuting thing infinitely more fun.
So, after catching up with a lot of class, spending a lot of long hours, dropping two classes that were ultimately just going to plummet my GPA, and doing a lot of explaining ... I made a cake.

Cake in point: Oozing.
I made this beauty (or, rather, potential beauty - in a rush I completely disregarded my melty frosting and runny fudge in an effort to simply get the damn thing made) for our closing night cast party. This was a double-layer marble cake with mocha mousse, crushed Joe-Joe and graham cracker filling with coffee buttercream frosting and hot fudge topping. It might have made a lovely slice - if the freaking sweet was devoured by twenty hungry mouths and forks digging into one communal plate.
I have to say... it was pretty goddamn good. At least, I sure liked it and I had received a roster of birthday-cake requests by the end of the night.
I like crazy, overdone, outlandish cakes. Most pastries I want simple: flaky fruit scones, sweet and sticky cinnamon buns, custard tarts. Cakes, however, need at least at tri-fold flavor combination, as many layers as time allows, and tower-high toppings. This isn't a half hour at Rachel Ray's... it's hell in Ace's kitchen (sans all that Ace of Cakes talent and whatnot). Even when I don't have the patience to really flesh out the appearance of a cake, I need it to literally ooze variety and sugar.
I'm supremely frustrated about this whole MoFo Fail business, though. Not because I feel like I've disappointed anyone - I mean, really, who exactly was chained to their computer, on hunger strike until another post came through? - but because this was going to be some fun posting, and all I can serve up are tired cake stories and droning whines. Hopefully I can continue to the post stream into November, though. It's never too late to make up for lost time! Until you're dead. Then, yeah. It is a little too late to make up for lost time.

That cake is NOT real. Holy crap! It's gloriously messy and oozy and wonderful. I think you're totally forgiven for not posting very much if you're going to come through with something like this every so often.
That cake made me cry tears of joy. It is a thing of beauty. So sorry to hear about your accident and I hope no-one was hurt. It's been a week of accidents because mr treehugger was involved in not one but TWO last week and both cars were a write off each time. No-one was hurt though which is the main thing.
Don't worry about what you have and have not done for MoFo, life comes first and there's always next year.
Thanks, guys!!
I'm sorry to hear about his accidents as well! Fortunately no one was hurt in mine either, but this was not a convenient week to find other modes of transportation. But safety is of course the main thing :)
I think that cake just made my head explode. I have NEVER seen a cake that I want to eat more. This is truly an obscenely beautiful work of delicious art.
I freaking love that cake. Wow.
So... when do you start taking orders for birthday cakes? ;)
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